Je célèbre le 1 er anniversaire de mon compte Instagram! Bon, en réalité, il existait déjà avant mais je n'avais pas trop compris comment l'utiliser :-)
Alors, j'ai sélectionné quelques photos: "oh il y en a plus de 1.000 déjà!".
C'est dimanche et le dimanche, je pense aux fleurs!
I celebrate the 1st birthday of my Instagram account! The truth is that it was already created before but I didn't understood at first how to use it :-)
So, I have selected some photos: "Oh there are more than 1.000 already!".
It's sunday and sunday, i think about flowers!
C'est dimanche et le dimanche, je pense aux fleurs!
I celebrate the 1st birthday of my Instagram account! The truth is that it was already created before but I didn't understood at first how to use it :-)
So, I have selected some photos: "Oh there are more than 1.000 already!".
It's sunday and sunday, i think about flowers!
Les fleurs, c'est plein d'idées positives: des parfums, des moments spéciaux, des couleurs,.... Bref, de quoi vous rendre zen et positifs!
Oui, le pouvoir des fleurs. Cela m'inspire: musique hippie, des balades romantiques,.... Et je choisis Bob Marley au final:
Flowers, it's plenty of positive ideas: perfumes, special moments, colors,... Anyway, all what you need to be zen and positive!
Yes, the flower power. That inspires me: hippie music, romantic songs,... And in the end, I choose Bob Marley:
Flowers, it's plenty of positive ideas: perfumes, special moments, colors,... Anyway, all what you need to be zen and positive!
Yes, the flower power. That inspires me: hippie music, romantic songs,... And in the end, I choose Bob Marley:
Trêve de bavardages, nous avons la musique maintenant. Voici un mix de photos de fleurs. Installez- vous confortablement dans votre fauteuil mais surtout vous pouvez imaginer: les parfums, la douceur des pétales, ce que cela vous inspire comme moment,....
Rêve, rêve, bon dimanche :-)
Rêve, rêve, bon dimanche :-)
Enough talking, we have the music now. Here is a mix of flowers photos. You can sit comfortably in your sofa but most important you can imagine: perfumes, softness of petals, moment that can be attached to the photo,....
Dream, dream,.... and enjoy your sunday :-)
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